Mental Health Issues
As a family caregiver, whether you are a spouse or an adult child, what kinds of mental health problems do you see in the patient or the care recipient? What factors do you see contributing to someone having a mental health problem later in life? What would you want to say to a family caregiver who is caring for a loved one that they think has a mental health problem? What sort of things could influence their mental status? As a family caregiver, what do I need to know about my loved one's diagnosis? As a family member, what can I expect if my loved one has dementia? As a family member, why would I want to encourage my loved one's doctor to refer to a mental health specialist? What do you say to family caregivers who thinks their loved one has depression? What are the symptoms of depression? How can I know if I have it, or if my loved on has it? What else would you want to say to a family member who is concerned about their loved one with depression - what are tricky pieces of this illness to deal with?
Episode: 11
Duration: 28:30