Virtual FCU: The Green Burial Trend
Tuesday, June 16, 2020 - 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
For centuries we have buried our dead. Today, just over half of all Americans choose cremation. However, with increased concern about “carbon footprints” and the conservation of natural resources, more people are interested in learning about green burial. This is your chance to ask our certified green burial experts the questions you have always been curious about!
Paul Z. Uzarski | Life Story Funeral Homes Director for 40 years and Certified Green Burial Expert
Matt Hollebeek | Vice President of Life Story Funeral Homes and Licensed Funeral Director
Carol F. Robinson DNP, MS, BSN, RN, CHPN® | Community Engagement Organizer at Making Choices Michigan
Registration Required!
Email: or call: 616-222-7032
Once you are registered, you will be provided with the information for phone and online meeting access.