Hobbies: Why Are They Important to Older Adults & Their Caregivers

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Tuesday, February 25, 2020 - 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Whether creativity has always been a significant part of your life or you’ve never considered yourself creative / playful, this session will make the case for why engaging in activities should be a part of everyone’s wellness plan, especially as we get older. Community Members will share their research, ideas and suggestions as it pertains to older adults and the importance of creativity. Ideas of activities that older adults and their caregivers can start together will also be discussed.


Trudy Ngo-Brown - Director of Arts & Technology, West MI Center for Arts & Technology

Beth Ann Terborg, BS CTRS - Executive Director, Grand Village Assisted Living Garth Falkins, CTRS - Recreational Therapy Lead, Care Resources PACE

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To Register:

Call: (616) 222-7032

Email: registration@aaawm.org