
The podcasts of the Caregiver Resource Network(CRN) were created by CRN members with the hope that community members might share some wisdom from experts in the area of aging.

We hope that you might listen and enjoy some of the podcasts while you travel or relax.


Leasure and Recreation Options

Episode: 5
Duration: 27:52

Why is it important for caregivers to keep social connections and maintain leisure activities? How can a caregiver combat isolation and depression? Why does isolation happen to caregivers more than then general public? How can a caregiver maintain a life outside of caregiving? How can a caregiver develop a circle of resources? How can older adults find activities in their home? What leisure opportunities are available for active older adults? What programs are available to older adults who need more assistance with their leisure? What are the greatest challenge older adults face in regard to their leisure? How do you recommend they solve this challenge? Who can older adults contact for information on other services?

Legal and Financial Issues

Episode: 6
Duration: 27:55

What are some of the financial issues of being a caregiver? In what ways do caregivers lose money as caregivers? What is the ideal way to address financial issues? What roles will the children take? Share in costs? Do the books? Invest the assets? Preserve their possible future inheritance? Legal Issues For Caregivers and those Whom they Serve What legal documents should the Caregiver make sure the person entrusted to their care (the "Client") has in place for their own protection? What is a Guardianship and Conservatorship and when might the Caregiver need to obtain one for the benefit of the client? What is a Caregiver Contract and when might a Caregiver or Client want that in place? What private and government benefits options should the Caregiver and Client be aware of in connection with paying for long term care? What other suggestions do you have for Caregivers and their Clients?

Alzheimer's and Dementia

Episode: 3
Duration: 27:45

What is the difference between Alzheimer's disease and Dementia? Why is it that someone with Alzheimer's or a related dementia can remember things that happened a long time ago but can't remember what happened a few minutes ago? If someone can't remember where they put my car keys does that mean that they have Alzheimer's disease? What are the warning signs of Alzheimer's disease? How is Alzheimer's disease diagnosed? What are some of the unique aspects of caring for someone with Alzheimer's or dementia? What would you say are the most significant challenges and rewards of this type of caregiving? Could you address some of the emotional aspects of caring for someone with Alzheimer's or dementia? What kinds of resources are available, for instance, from the Alzheimer's association?

Aging in Place

Episode: 4
Duration: 27:52

Do Americans prefer to age in place even when they become debilitated? What are some of the rewards of aging in place? What are some of the benefits that accrue to the caregiver of someone aging in place? What are some of the dangers of someone aging in place? Where does one go for help in the caregiving process of someone aging in place? How does one obtain respite from caregiving? Are there web sites that give information about aging in place? Are there books that give information about aging in place? What specifically are some local agencies that can give assistance? What are the indications that would indicate that institutionalization might be needed, and if so, how does one determine a competent nursing facility? What is the future in American society in regard to older persons aging in place? What are some of the rewards of aging in place, and what are some of the benefits that accrue to the caregiver.

Stress and Self-Care

Episode: 2
Duration: 28:14

How does stress impact your ability to care? How does stress affect you physically? How does stress affect you emotionally? What are some simple things that you can do to reduce stress? Are there other forms of assistance that you can tap into? what kind of questions might help you to check yourself, to ensure that you are taking care of you?


Episode: 1
Duration: 28:20

What is caregiving? Most individuals do caregiving tasks without identifiying themselves as a caregiver. How do you explain this? What is a caregiver? How important is it for individuals to identify themselves as a caregiver? Why don't family caregivers identify themselves as caregivers? What happens when someone begins to identify himself or herself as a caregiver? Do all caregivers face the same challenges? Once an individual identifies himself or herself as a caregiver, does this change the relationship with the person they are caring for? Does everyone at some point in his or her life become a caregiver? Caregiving and stress are often mentioned together. Why is this? How does caregiving impact the other areas of life?